Monday, March 3, 2025

Valentina Brostean is multi-disciplinary visual artist. She’s specialized in illustration for children and adults, magazine editorials and character design – using both traditional media as well as software and the latest technology. Her work is figurative, narrative and surreal, expressed in various mediums across many fields of visual art.

Valentina answered to a short interview; we have selected some of her stunning artworks to show her talent.

Valentina, where do you get your inspiration?

Inspiration comes from everywhere, the trick is just how to recognize it, how to find that trigger. I have to say i first start with my inner self, carefully listening the whispers of my moody soul – where art comes as a cure or solution for all my internal combats. Further on from my inner world comes a connection to outside world – people, relations, dreams, emotions and also with nature and culture, of course! Travels are also a big source of my inspiration, always filling my soul with new and exciting content.

Which is the relationship and influence between your cultural background (country, studies, etc.) and your artworks?

There must be a strong subconscious connection in sense that I am very interested into mythology, archetypes, roots and tradition, also some knowledge that i gained during my Academy study years which I deeply feel and apply often in traces.. but in my case I try to find a bond between those basics and mix it with contemporary context which is not necessarily contacted to my country of origin but it’s more a level that comes from my general overall experience. Mix of opposites is what gives me a final result.

What are you much focused in?

I am focused on constant creation. I am very eclectic and sometimes I change mediums on daily basic – I could paint and then tomorrow I will make just drawings and day after I will make collages in photoshop and then come back again to painting, it’s a perpetual journey. For me it’s important to be focused on work no matter is it a work for a client or it’s about my personal expression and experimentation.

Have you encountered any difficulties when you first started your art/freelance career?

There are always difficulties but it makes a part of life and of creative process I think. Being freelancer means there are no steady jobs or monthly fixed incomes, which is a bad part of the story. On the other side it pushes me to work hard and always find new connections and new opportunities and be creative constantly. It’s a good exercise for people who know to survive under the pressure and with uncertainty – but the positive part is that it keeps you awake and focused and gives a lot of freedom…something you gain something you loose, it’s how the life game works.


Over these years, what is the most important thing you have learnt from your profession?

I have learnt to keep my heart open and pure, and my soul playful and inspired as a child, I think that’s the best gift my profession gave me.. also to be always curious and adventurous, to work very disciplined and hard, to have faith, to believe and to stay true to myself, it’s not often case but I think I managed to loose my ego and a certain fakeness I was convinced I have to have when I was younger.. now I see art as something bigger then myself and I’m just gratefully enjoying “the ride”.

Do you think that a creative job is just creativity or it’s discipline too?

It must be both, it’s a constant search for a perfect balance between those two opposites. If one is missing it’s destined to a failure.

Are you currently work on new projects?

I am working constantly on new projects! Currently I am preparing a limited edition line of apparel for “girls and boys” with my drawings and illustrations applied, can’ wait to see the final result. Working also on some upcoming book covers and aside i paint and draw on daily basis. I am also looking forward very much to see the collection of t-shirts and gadgets I have created in collaboration with Giorgio Armani for “Armani exchange”, from March i’m expecting  a lot of promotion and travels related to that project.


“[…] to be always curious and adventurous,
to work very disciplined and hard,
to have faith,
to believe and to stay true to myself



Artist website:


Instagram: @art_of_valentina_brostean


Twitter: @VBrostean



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