Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Özgür Kanadıkırık (founder of kalippodesign) is a designer and artist from Turkey. We reached him  for a quick interview and to show his last artworks.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Mainly from the human body (boobs especially), colorful & minimal objects and of course the food industry.


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Which is the reletioship and influence beetween your cultural backgorund (country, studies, etc.) and your artworks?

I was born & raised in Turkey; where the culture of west and east crash. This multi-cultural life brings us so much inspiration and so much elements to use in our art life. Especially in my lettering designs, you can see the traces of oriantal culture that I have experienced since my childhood times.


What are you much focused in?

I generally focus on the quality & realistic look of the design that i make. Especially on 3D illustrations, I always want them to look hyper-realistic.

Have you encountered any difficulties when you first started your art/freelance career?

Of course! My design journey has been always full of obstacles. I used to have no personal computer in the early days, so i started my first digital designs on my best friends pc. As a self-trained designer, it was also hard to get attention among all the talented fine-arts educated designers. But  I always believed that those hard times would lead me to a better position in my career. Happy for those hard times.

Over these years, what is the most important thing you have learnt from your profession?

What i have learned till this day is: “Do what you love, never love what you do!

Do you think that a creative job is just creativity or it’s discipline too?

I think the both of them feeds themselves. I can not think of a project that I force myself to be punctual about deadlines. Also i can not force myself for a job if I can not feel ready for the creative moves. Generally I begin with a creative idea, then I improve and finalize it with a solid work discipline.


Are you currently work on new projects?

Now I am working on some new animation ideas that i have been thinking about since my childhood times. I am a big classic japanese style anime fan. Working on the sketches right now. Hope to finish it soon and can’t wait to share!

 “I always believed that those hard times
would lead me to a better position in my career.
Happy for those hard times

Do what you love,
never love what you do!”

Instagram > @kalippodesign


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