Mac Premo is an American artist and stuffmaker, graduate of RISD ’95. Exhibited art in NYC, LA, Miami, DC and Belfast. Mac has won 7 New York Emmy® Awards, including awards for best commercial, best photography, best set design and best PSA. A 2008 NYFA fellow in video, he currently makes art, illustration, commercials and dinner, most nights. Premo is also known as a visual artist for his mixed-media assemblage and installation. The appearance of his small wooden concoctions suggests early-20th-century mechanical devices, but their levers and lenses are intended to evoke Surrealist traditions rather than to function. Mac lives in Brooklyn with his wife and totally radical daughters. Also, he made The Dumpster Project (with a lot of help from some really good folks).
“Only through engaging in the almost absurd cycle of macro systems do you find things worth living for, like your wife, baseball, or a handsome piece of wood”
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