Saturday, March 1, 2025

Davide Bonazzi has been working as freelance illustrator for clients worldwide including major publishers, advertisers, institutions and animation studios. Davide aims to create clever visual solutions to represent complex topics, as well as narrative, witty images. His style combines digital media with textures of scanned found objects, in order to give his illustrations a warm and evocative atmosphere.

Davide, where do you get your inspiration?

I get inspiration from everything around me. Of course I look at as many visual artists as I can, but everyday life is a great source of inspiration too.


Which is the reletioship and influence beetween your cultural backgorund (country, studies, etc.) and your artworks?

In short, I think that reality is more complex and layered than how it might look at first glance. This is what I learnt from my studies, which were focused on arts and humanities from Italy and Europe. My work may reflect this vision of life, since I often play with visual metaphors that turn ordinary scenes into something more interesting and meaningful.

 What are you much focused in?

I’m mainly focused in conceptual illustration, with a particular inclination to social issues. I also don’t mind to create playful, narrative images just for the pleasure of telling stories.

Have you encountered any difficulties when you first started your art/freelance career?

Yes, many. Beginnings are always hard for everyone. At first I had difficulties in finding my own style. Then I struggled to become a professional freelancer. But I was very motivated in overcoming such obstacles.

Over these years, what is the most important thing you have learnt from your profession?

The most important thing I’ve learnt is how to rack my brain in order to turn verbal inputs into images, and how to make my images aesthetically more appealing. I also learnt how to manage stress caused by tight deadlines, busy schedules, picky clients. This job can make one learn a lot about himself.

Do you think that a creative job is just creativity or it’s discipline too?

Both are required. Creativity is the most important thing, it’s what makes one do good stuff. But discipline is what can turn a life-long passion into a real job.

Are you currently work on new projects?

I’m currently working on several illustrations for magazines, and on a big advertising project. Wish I had more time to work on a couple of personal projects I started some time ago.

“My work may reflect this vision of life,
since I often play with visual metaphors
that turn ordinary scenes
into something more interesting
and meaningful

“[…] I’ve learnt how to rack my brain
in order to turn verbal inputs into images
[…] how to manage stress caused by tight deadlines, busy schedules, picky clients.
This job can make one learn a lot
about himself

“Creativity is the most important thing,
it’s what makes one do good stuff.
But discipline is what can turn
a life-long passion into a real job”

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